Kevin Padilla
District Rotary Foundation Chair
Past District Governor, 2015-2016
After graduating from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business Management, Kevin was hired by State Farm Insurance as a Claims Representative. He learned many aspects of the insurance industry while working in Claims, and this experience helped prepare him for a successful career as an agent. He became a State Farm Insurance Agent in 1993, and his office is currently located in Placentia, CA.
Kevin considers it a privilege to serve as his clients’ insurance agent. He develops comprehensive insurance packages for potential new clients and existing clients that meet the clients’ insurance needs. Kevin focuses on developing long term relationships with his clients to build his business. He does not try to make a “quick buck” by selling whatever products will qualify him for special promotions being offered by the company. He has built his business on selling insurance products that his clients need and not in selling them products that are the most profitable for him. From day one in operating his business he believed that if he met the client’s needs first and foremost that the business would grow on its own. Kevin was living the “Four Way Test” before he had ever heard it.
Kevin joined the National Association of Life Underwriters, now National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, in 1997 to keep abreast of changes in the insurance industry and influence legislation that impacted policy holders. Kevin held many positions in the North Orange County chapter including member of the board of directors, membership chair, lobbyist, president and national committee person. Kevin was able to further develop his leadership skills, and learned the importance of following parliamentary procedures in a volunteer organization (i.e. Robert’s rules of order).
Kevin became a Rotarian in 2003 when he joined the Rotary Club of Placentia. Within his first year, he became a member of the Board of Directors, and remained on the board until 2011, and he served as the Club President for the 2009-2010 Rotary Year. Kevin was instrumental in developing the club’s annual fund raising event, and assisted in the club achieving 100% Paul Harris status. He is currently on the newly formed Finance Committee. At the district level, Kevin has served as an Assistant Governor for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012; Co-Chair of the Angels’ End Polio Now Game’s Chili Cook-off in 2010 and 2011; Chair of the Angels’ End Polio Now Game in 2012; member of the District Advisory Board in 2011-2012; and member of the RI District 5320 Charitable Foundation Board in 2011-2014.
Kevin and his wife Lorraine have resided in Orange since 1991. They are both very active with the Donate Life Run/Walk that takes place the last weekend in April to raise awareness and educate people about organ and tissue donation. Kevin enjoys woodworking and golf, and he and Lorraine enjoy spending time with their two Australian Cattle Dogs, travelling, skiing, and entertaining friends and family. Between the two of them, they have attended Rotary International Conventions in Los Angeles, Birmingham, New Orleans and Lisbon.