As the calendar turns to December, we embrace Rotary’s focus on Disease Prevention and Treatment, a theme that resonates deeply with our mission to create lasting positive change. This month, we reflect on our collective efforts to improve health and well-being in communities around the world. From immunization campaigns that eradicate diseases like polio to providing access to clean water and sanitation, Rotary continues to be at the forefront of addressing the root causes of illness. Through education, resources, immunization and innovation, we can empower communities to live healthier lives. We encourage clubs as they plan projects for the last half of the Rotary year to explore how best to make an impact in this important area of focus. Consider organizing health screenings, supporting local clinics, or fundraising for global health initiatives. Together, we can amplify our efforts and inspire others to join us in this vital cause. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to service, and let’s continue to make a difference, one life at a time.
Our Rotary Calendar is full of great opportunities for education, inspiration, and leadership development. Here is a partial list of what’s happening:
January 13, 2025: Our next Leadership Forum will focus on membership and recent changes to TRF’s rules concerning use of District Designated Funds. All are welcome but it is especially important for Rotary Club Presidents, Presidents-Elect, Presidents-Nominee and Club Foundation Chairs to attend. You will not want to miss this if you want your club to grow in membership and maximize its opportunities to use Rotary matching funds. You may register here:
February 20 – 23: The next Southwest Rotary PETS will be held at the LAX Marriott. As a reminder, attendance is required for all Presidents-Elect. Past attendees regularly report this is a wonderful weekend and is often the time they went from being in Rotary to having Rotary in them. You may register for SWPETS here:
Our very own Cisca Stellhorn is the Education Chair and she and her team have put together an outstanding program of classes. Don’t miss it!
March 15, 2025: Registration will soon be open for our annual District Training Assembly at Chapman University. This event is open to all but is especially important for incoming Club board members. DGE Craig and his team are assembling a great program. Please save the date and plan to attend!
April 4-7, 2025: Join us on our “Cruising for Service” joint conference cruise with Districts 5230 and 5220. There are still cabins available. You may register here:
Please note that after you register, you should immediately contact our Rotary affiliated travel agent, Wayne Wilkerson, at (1-703-855-5325) to reserve your accommodations.
May 3, 2025: Please save this date and participate in one of several walks to raise funds and awareness for mental health causes. Several clubs have signed on to put on walks in their local areas. We are currently planning for simultaneous Mental Health Walks in South Orange County, Long Beach, Whittier and Irvine. If you or your club are interested in participating or learning more about this event, please email our District Administrator, Lindsay Whiddon at
June 21-25, 2025 The Rotary International Convention is set for Calgary from June 21-25. We have 68 Rotarians and partners registered for what promises to be an incredible experience. Please don’t miss this chance to deepen your relationship with Rotary and meet committed humanitarians from around the world. You may register here: A special thank you goes out to PDG Cisca Stellhorn who is serving as our Calgary Convention Champion and organizing a fun eve-of-convention outing in Calgary. Thank you, Cisca!

Photo Courtesy VoiceOfOC
New Rotarians may not know Mike Darnold, but they should. He epitomizes the best of what it means to be a Rotarian. For years he has selflessly and tirelessly worked to help our young people meet and overcome challenges those of us of an earlier generation could only imagine. But do not take my word for it. See these two articles discussing Mike’s great work.
The Guardian: ‘They died because they tried it once’: a US high school was ravaged by fentanyl – and came back from the brink
Voice of OC:
I hope you are as inspired by Mike as I am. Many thanks to Monarch Beach Rotarian John Coffman (himself a Rotary giant!) for bringing these articles to our attention.
Time is running out on this matching opportunity! Rotary International Director Dan Himelspach, his wife Leslie Lawson, and an anonymous donor have launched a $500,000 matching opportunity to recruit five hundred new Paul Harris Society Members in Zones 26/27. For every new PHS member, between now and December 31, 2024, these generous givers will contribute an additional $1,000 to the Foundation. As many of you know, PHS members donate at least $1,000 per year to The Rotary Foundation and commit to continue annual giving in an amount of $1,000 or more. You can join PHS here:
Once you have joined, please let me know and I will personally make sure your donation is appropriately matched.
To help Rotary achieve its goal of reaching $2.025 billion in its endowment fund by the end of 2025, our District has launched an initiative we call the “50 for 50″ campaign. The campaign seeks to secure new pledges or gifts in the amount of $50,000 from 50 Rotarians across our district for the Endowment. With a gift or pledge of $25,000, the donor can name the endowed fund, which is a great way to honor someone. Because an endowment will fund projects forever, this is a terrific opportunity to make an impact on the world long after we have attended our last Rotary meeting or completed our last service project.
Gifts and pledges of any amount are welcome, of course, and you will become a member of the Bequest Society for a pledge of $10,000 or more. Remember TRF in your estate plan today. (And we will not tell the kids!). To make your pledge, please complete this form:
If you are interested in learning more about how to make a gift or pledge and the various tax advantages in doing so, please contact our Major Gifts and Endowment Chair, Robert Burns, at Thank you, Robert, for being so generous with your time and expertise!
This month we recognize the efforts of Norwalk Santa Fe Springs Rotary President Karen Lomas and Youth Service Chair, Christine Perez for their great work in launching a new Interact Club at St. Paul High School. It is truly a wonderful thing to have a hand in introducing young people to the blessings of a life of service. Well done Karen and Christine!
In this month of so many celebrations, we are reminded of the shared humanity that unites us all. This month, people around the world celebrate meaningful traditions: Christians honor the joy and hope of Christmas, Jews kindle the lights of Hanukkah, Hindus and Sikhs reflect on the significance of Pancha Ganapati, Buddhists commemorate Bodhi Day, and many others embrace the principles of Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, the coming New Year and, of course, Festivus.
Each of these celebrations – with the possible exception of Festivus – reflects universal values of peace, gratitude, and connection, ideals that resonate with Rotary’s mission of service and fellowship. May this season inspire us to strengthen our bonds, honor our differences, and renew our commitment to making the world a better place. Whether you gather with family, friends, or community, I wish you joy, reflection, and hope for the year ahead. Together, let us carry the spirit of December into all we do.
Kristie and I wish you and your loved ones a joyful holiday and a peaceful and prosperous new year.
Yours in service,
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