November is Rotary Foundation Month, a special time to honor the heart and soul of Rotary’s work around the globe. We have just held the Power of Hope Gala, where we celebrated the magnificent work of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and acknowledged the tremendous importance of TRF donors. The Rotary Foundation transforms our donations into projects that change lives—bringing clean water, literacy, health, peace, and opportunity to countless communities. From our efforts to eradicate polio to empowering local communities, the Foundation reminds us of Rotary’s core value: Service Above Self.
The Power of Hope Gala was the product of tremendous effort by numerous Rotarians from throughout our District who worked on the event for months. A huge thank you goes to the entire Gala team and all who had a hand in making the event a success. These include the Gala Chair, Heidi Larkin-Reed, Paul Bucknum, Mary Mar, Gaydene Emmerich, Adam England, Lindsay Whiddon, Karen Harmon, Tracey Curtis, Kevin Padilla, Ana Roth, Millard Roth, Ray Sanford, Sita Gyan Gorsky, Robert Burns, and Tracey Getman. Thank you all for devoting your time and talent to making the event a success!
All auction proceeds from the Gala will go to The Rotary Foundation and auction winners will receive Paul Harris credit. The “Purple Pinkie” proceeds and the proceeds from Brenda Cressey’s beautiful quilt will go directly to PolioPlus. Together, let us continue to grow the hope for humanity our Foundation inspires. If you could not attend the Gala and are moved to make a donation to TRF, you may do so here:
In honor of Foundation month, Rotary International Director Dan Himelspach, his wife Leslie Lawson, and an anonymous donor have launched a $500,000 matching opportunity to recruit five hundred new Paul Harris Society Members in Zones 26/27. For every new PHS member, between now and December 31, 2024, these generous givers will contribute an additional $1,000 to the Foundation. As many of you know, PHS members donate at least $1,000 per year to The Rotary Foundation and commit to continue annual giving in an amount of $1,000 or more. You can join PHS here: Once you have joined, please let me know and I will personally make sure your donation is appropriately matched.
To help Rotary achieve its goal of reaching $2.025 billion in its endowment fund by the end of 2025, our District has launched an initiative we call the “50 for 50″ campaign. The campaign seeks to secure new pledges or gifts in the amount of $50,000 from 50 Rotarians across our district for the Endowment. With a gift or pledge of $25,000, the donor can name the endowed fund, which is a great way to honor someone. Because an endowment will fund projects forever, this is a terrific opportunity to make an impact on the world long after we have attended our last Rotary meeting or completed our last service project. Gifts and pledges of any amount are welcome, of course, and you will become a member of the Bequest Society for a pledge of $10,000 or more. Remember TRF in your estate plan today. (And we will not tell the kids!). To make your pledge, please complete this form:
If you are interested in learning more about how to make a gift or pledge and the various tax advantages in doing so, please contact our Major Gifts and Endowment Chair, Robert Burns, at Thank you, Robert, for being so generous with your time and expertise!
Applications to serve as District Governor for the 2027-2028 Rotary year are being accepted through November 25. Interviews are scheduled for December 7 at the District office. You may find information about the qualifications for the position and application materials here: Please send your completed application to the Chair of our Nominating Committee, PDG Cisca Stellhorn, at
The Rotary International Convention is set for Calgary from June 21-25. We have 64 Rotarians and partners registered for what promises to be an incredible experience. You may register here: A special thank you goes out to PDG Cisca Stellhorn who is serving as our Calgary Convention Champion and organizing a fun eve-of-convention outing in Calgary. Thank you, Cisca!
When we charter a new club or sponsor a new member, we would do well to pause and reflect on the profundity of that moment. Each new Rotarian, Rotaractor, and Interactor will touch countless other lives during their career of service. This chain-reaction of “do-goodery” is why we are so excited to sign new charters and welcome new members.
New clubs are a primary engine of membership growth and many of you have stepped up to help with new club formation. In Santa Ana, the new club was the work of many but foremost among them, PDG and New Club Chair, Glenn Balch, PDG Roy Jefferson, Marta Rodriguez, and AG Robin Fry. In Westminster, the initial seeds were planted last Rotary year by PDG Roy, and this year PDG Glenn continued those efforts and with the dynamic energy of Charter President Nancy Ha, the club was officially formed and the charter signed. We look forward to the great work these new Rotarians will be doing in their community.
We are also progressing on the Rotaract front. At UCI, Irvine Club President, Anabella Bonfa and Rotaractor Anthony Bonfa are working to re-energize the UCI Rotaract Club. We know great things are in the offing for the Irvine community because of UCI Rotaractors.
We were privileged this month to sign the charter for a new Rotaract Club at Saddleback College. Thank you to the San Juan Capistrano Club for sponsoring this club and a special thank you San Juan Rotarian, and Rotary Legend, Mike Darnold for making this happen! A very special shout-out goes to SJC Interactor Angelina Horodesky who has been a major force – recruiting 15 charter members not including herself. We also thank Saddleback faculty member, Jose Lumbreras, who has been very supportive and is enthused to have a service club on campus.
Youth services chair, Paula Fox, and Past Interact Governor Laila Naji are spearheading an effort to form a District 5320 E-Rotaract Club that will allow our Rotaractors to stay connected with their district communities regardless of where life may take them. Our District, and the Mission Viejo Club, and the Yorba Linda Sunrise Club will serve as sponsors to ensure the club’s success.
We are also excited to announce a new Interact Club at Tustin High School. A big thank you to Laurie Abelove and Edwin Lopez of the Tustin-Santa Ana Club for helping get this club chartered.
As we gather with friends and family this month to celebrate Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how grateful I am for each of you. Your dedication to a life of service and commitment to the values of Rotary exemplify the spirit of generosity and compassion that this season embodies. May this Thanksgiving bring you and your loved one’s joy, warmth, and a renewed sense of purpose as we continue our work to make the world a better place.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful and peaceful holiday.

With gratitude,
Chris Skorina
District Governor (2024-2025)
Rotary International District 5320
Mark Your Calendars! ![]() |
January 14, 2025: Leadership Forum in Fountain Valley 5:30-8pm REGISTER HERE! February 21-23: Southwest PETS for all incoming Club Presidents April 4-7, 2025: Sailing for Service District 5320 Conference More info and registration can be found HERE! |
Need a Speaker for Your Club or Business? Check Out the District’s Speakers Bureau |
Did you know we have a District’s Speakers Bureau? This new and improved area of the District 5320 website allows you to find speakers for your club or business. This is not just a list of speakers. You now can sign up as a speaker. People who have signed up are from non-profits, are medical and business experts, civic leaders, and mental health experts. Other speakers cover RYLA, clean water or youth services. The only restrictions to sign up is your topic must be relevant to Rotary clubs. No product or services marketing please! You can visit the Speakers Bureau by going to the District website, click on District Rotarians, and scroll down to District Speakers Bureau. Many thanks to Heidi Larkin-Reed and Steve Getman of the Rotary Club of Mission Viejo who created the page and to PDG Dan Ouweleen for leading the effort. |
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