
Mid-year Check-in from Grant Recipient Taylor Plett

Hello Rotary friends and family at home! I’m writing from Oxford as Hilary Term comes to a close and spring trots along on its heels.[…]

Local Rotary Clubs, Irvine Mayor and others collect winter wear for victims of Turkey/Syria earthquake

The Rotary Club of Irvine, in conjunction with Irvine Mayor Farrah N. Khan, Team Kids, Sabil USA and Zakat Foundation of America, hosted a Coat[…]

Celebrating Female Leadership in Rotary

The Orange Review discusses the evolution of women in Rotary leadership, which includes the election of Jennifer E. Jones, the first female Rotary International president.[…]

Greetings from Rotary Global Grant Scholarship Winner Taylor Plett

Greetings from Rotary Global Grant Scholarship Winner Taylor Plett Taylor Plett is the 2022 recipient of the prestigious Rotary Global Grant Scholarship for graduate study[…]

Gates Elementary Receives Little Library from Greater Lake Forest Rotary Club

The Rotary Club of Greater Lake Forest (provisional) has donated a little library to Gates Elementary School.  Students will be able to take and share[…]

Rotary Compensation

Sometimes people wonder if Rotarians are paid for their service. The simple answer is “YES.” But Rotarians aren’t paid in money. Here are just a[…]

Rotary Club of Yorba Linda Lobsterfest event raises $115K for Orange County non-profit organizations

The 35th Annual Lobsterfest, the flagship event for the Rotary Club of Yorba Linda, has raised $115K to support several Orange County non-profit organizations. More[…]

Character Counts mural brightens San Clemente North Beach

The iconic “Character Counts” mural returns to brighten North Beach in San Clemente. Originally painted by local San Clemente High School (SCHS) Interact Club students[…]

Project Hope Alliance

Club Name: Newport Balboa Picking up food and supplies from club members residents during pandemic and deliver them to Project Hope Alliance location. PHA deploys[…]

Vietnam Human Trafficking Education Program

Club Name: Newport Balboa  Partnered with Rotary Club of San Jose South to educate the children in Vietnam to not become the victims of human[…]

School Based Mental Health

The Rotary Club of San Clemente partnered with the Wellness & Prevention Center of San Clemente ( which helps youth and families lead healthy and[…]

Agents of Influence Video Game

Agents of Influence Video Game

Club Name: Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel Project Name/Title:  Introducing the Agents of Influence Video Game to Aliso Niguel High School The Agents of Influence Video Game is[…]