RYLA is one of the most impactful programs our Rotarians put on. It takes the work and monetary contributions of dozens of clubs and hundreds of Rotarians. If you have been involved in the program, you know well the life-changing impact the program has on our young people. To continue to put on a great camp, we need your immediate attention to the following:
1. RYLA Needs Sponsors! The budget for RYLA every year relies upon generous sponsorships. We are a bit behind this year and would like to secure several more sponsors. Please see the embedded flier below for information on sponsorship levels and benefits. If you interested in being a sponsor, please contact District Administrator Lindsay at lindsay.rotary5320@gmail.com.
2. RYLA Funding Payment for RYLA students should be turned in as soon as possible. Even if you have not identified students, submit your payment and the RYLA team will assist you in finding qualified and deserving campers.
3. School Relationships: The Key to RYLA’s Future: We encourage clubs to nurture and sustain relationships with school administrators, teachers and counselors to ensure they comprehend the essence of RYLA and its benefits. This will broaden the program’s appeal and ensure the message gets out to as many students as possible.

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