Did you know that man’s best friend can help End Polio, too?
The PolioPlus Society – Kennel Klub is an extension of the PolioPlus Society, for our best friends!
The Kennel Klub was inspired by PDG Greg and Valerie Owen’s dog, Mollie, who is giving up $10 worth of treats each month to be a Polio Plus Society member. Mollie, sporting a very special End Polio Now bandana on Rotary Zoom calls, quickly became the beloved mascot for End Polio Now in the Big West Zones. Mollie started asking her fellow four-legged friends to help her End Polio, and the Kennel Klub was born!
Within only a few months of launching, the Kennel Klub raised over $7,200 (that’s over $21,000 with the Bill and Melinda Gates 2:1 match) and has grown to over 70 members (including felines!).
Rotary is committed to raising $50 million per year, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars from the Gates Foundation.
How can you sign up your four-legged friend(s) to join Mollie in the Kennel Klub?
Head over to this page to join. Mollie will send you a free End Polio Now doggie bandana in the size of your choosing and a Kennel Klub membership pin.
You can also make a donation in honor a pet that has passed or gift a Kennel Klub membership to a friend’s dog. By helping End Polio, our best friends can continue to make the world a better place.
Please share the PPS Kennel Klub with your fellow Rotarians and let’s End Polio once and for all. Visit https://www.rotaryppskennelklub.org/ to learn more!